Получили аналогичный контракт, но на другую должность. Кстати reference number точно такой же: 2013/QATAR/OCT/SEA/3965.
Через несколько писем попросили связаться с представителем консульства, от которого был получен ответ, что за документы нужно выложить 970$.
В контракте отеля кстати они подстраховались:
3.3 CLAIMS/ENTITLEMENTS: All reimbursement on expense associate with this job/contract engagement process will be made along side with your relocation expenses and travel allowances payment on arrival to Qatar for the commencement of work, Such expenses include cost of obtaining job contract engagement papers; Cost of employment authorization documents/ and travel documents if found satisfactory committed. A proof of payment in form of an official receipt will facilitate a prompt reimbursement of all claims/expenses.
3.4. MOBILIZATION: Employee shall take care of his/her traveling expenses visa documents and the hotel shall provide an invitation letter and contact details of the Qatar immigration officer here who will assist employee to procure his/her traveling documents from The Qatar Immigration Service which the hotel will reimburse back the expense spent during that process as soon as the employee get here and start working with us.